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Wagait Beach « Wagait Beach Supermarket
Wagait Beach

Wagait Beach, Mandorah and Cox Peninsula

Wagait Beach is an unspoilt, quiet and friendly rural community with a population of approx. 450. Situated on the northern beaches of Cox Peninsula, near Mandorah, the Darwin skyline is clearly visible across Darwin Harbour.

A comfortable 90 minute (128km) drive from Darwin on fully sealed roads will bring you to Wagait Beach.  The community is also serviced by a two hourly ferry service between Cullen Bay and Mandorah.  Ferry crossings take approx. 15 minutes.

Driving is recommended so that you have a vehicle to visit the local sights.  Magnetic termite mounds, wetlands prolific with birdlife and a natural spring hidden in a tiny pocket of rainforest are just some of the treasures awaiting you at Wagait Beach.  Explore a myriad of bush tracks that lead to unspoilt beaches and great fishing.  You may even spot a wild brumby or two.

Wagait Beach is a popular location for deep sea fishing. There is fantastic fishing from Mandorah jetty and the local beaches or you could launch your boat from the boat ramps at either Mandorah or Bynoe Harbour.

For WW2 history buffs visit the wreckage of the ‘Milady’, a crashed US Liberator bomber, the remains of the submarine cable at West Point and the remnants of many WW2 gun turrets scattered along the coast.